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What Mums really want this Mother's Day

What Mums really want this Mother's Day I saw an amazing poster this week. It said "Spend time with your parents, treat them well because one day when you look up from your phone, they won't be there anymore". As a busy, working Mum I can totally relate to this. I'm always trying to multi-task and please everyone. I started to have a think about what would be my ideal Mother's Day and have come up with my TOP TEN MOTHERS DAY LIST. 1 Give your Mum a cuddle. This doesn't happen as often as it should. 2 Say "I Love You". Too often we assume our Mums know this but how often do we actually utter the words? 3...

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How much should you spend on Mother's Day?

How much should you spend on Mother's Day? Mother's Day is on Sunday 26th of March this year. Are you organised for it? In 2016 Brits reportedly spent £928million on Mother's Day Gifts. The average spend being £30. Research from Mintel revealed that men spent £12.18 more than daughters did in 2015. But you don't need to be "average" to show your Mum how much you care for her. CalEli Gifts has numerous personalised gifts for her starting at £9.99, including free P&P in the UK. Whilst a lot of Mothers claim that they do not need a gift just perhaps breakfast in bed or a lie in or even quality time with their children, no Mum will be disappointed...

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MOTHER'S DAY Not long until the big day for all Mummies comes but with all my gorgeous, bespoke personalised gifts comes an important question - should there be an apostrophe in the wording? If so, where should it go? The answer is - there is no correct answer! You can avoid the apostrophe altogether as we are describing a day for Mums not a day that belongs to us. You can put it after the s as we could argue it is a day for all us Mums collectively. I do prefer, however, 's = as I believe possession is involved i.e. It refers to the one Mum that it is intended for! Regardless hope you all have a super...

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A busy week!

A busy week! Over the past few days and nights I have been at several school fairs and one church fair. It's been lovely to meet so many people from across Edinburgh and hear all their lovely comments about my products. I heard from several people that the last time they saw decorations like mine they were in America! Not anymore people they are here in Scotland for you to buy!!   This week I'm off to Prestonpans Infant School Christmas Fair, Corstorphine Primary Fair and Currie Community High School Fair. Can't wait!!

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