What to buy a Dad that has everything

If your Dad is anything like mine, he is a nightmare to buy for! He doesn't really have any hobbies and he's at an age now that if he wants anything he can go and buy it himself!

Over the years I have gone through the boring, safe presents such as a new jumper, new book, aftershave, gift vouchers etc Every time he received one of these gifts he was always so grateful but I felt a bit rubbish at not managing anything a bit more imaginative. 

When my career path changed in 2016 and I started my own gift business, CalEli Gifts.com,  I spent a lot of time looking at gifts and thinking of family members and friends that I had who would love the gifts. When it came to my Dad and indeed learning about what other Dads liked, I realised that there were different "types" of Dad and we could buy gifts according to what they like.

Below are some of the different categories that your Dad might fit into - it they fit into more than one then lucky you as you will have loads more gift ideas that he will love.

The Stay at Home Dad

I'm not talking about the amazing Dads that stay at home and are the main caregivers. I mean the retired Dads, like mine, that are quite happy being in their house and spending hours just "pottering around". These Dads will love practical gifts that they can use around the home such as a sofa tray for putting their drinks and snacks on when they watch TV, coasters for putting hot drinks on or a picture or painting that they can smile at each time they walk past it and think of you when you gave them that lovely gift!

The Foodie Dad

Think of your Dad's favourite food. If he is a cheese fan, then he will love a cheeseboard. If he enjoys cooking what about giving him a spice set? a new apron, or that cookery book he has been raving about but doesn't want to buy himself. I bought my Dad a Gin Tasting experience one year. Another year I bought him afternoon tea on Red Bus Bistro which he loved! It combined afternoon tea with sightseeing.

The Sporty Dad

Whether he plays a sport, coaches a sport or enjoys being a spectator this is a great source of gift inspiration. He might appreciate tickets to see his favourite team play, the latest sporting equipment in his particular sport, memorabilia such as factual books, posters, sporting signatures etc

The DIY Dad

My Husband is following in his Father-in-Laws footsteps and becoming one of these Dads who is able to spend ages fixing, building and amending things. These Dads are all about being practical so any gifts to help them on their quest to become a better "Bob the Builder" will go down particularly well. Even novelty DIY gifts such as a personalised hammer will make them smile!

The list of different Dads is endless - The Cool Dads, The Adventurous Dads, The Techie Dads, The Extravagant Dad etc etc

Whatever the "type" of Dad you have, remember they are invariably unique and no matter the occasion you can find a gift to show them how much you appreciate them!