How to make the perfect cup of tea

With the average Britain drinking a staggering 876 cups of tea per year it is important that this truly wonderful beverage is enjoyed correctly! During this research I was quite surprised to discover that we are only the third most prolific tea drinkers behind Turkey and Ireland!

To some, tea is associated with combating sadness, having a cuppa when you are feeling unwell where as to others, having a cup of tea can be a very social event.

I used to love visiting my Granny every few days to see how she was, to have a chat and to have a cuppa with her. Her cups of tea were always the best! After she died, I wasn't bothered about having her antiques or jewellery, all I wanted was her spotty mugs as they reminded me of all the quality time I spent chatting to her over a cuppa.

So here are the top tips for making the perfect cup of tea:

1 Fill up your kettle with fresh,cold water

2 The temperature of the water is really important. Make sure that the water is boiling not tepid. 

3 Heat your teapot by adding a little of the boiled water and swirling it around (this is what my Gran used to do and I'm sure this was the secret to her excellent cups of tea!) Discard this water.

4 Add your teabags to your teapot. I do love loose leaf tea but I tend to buy teabags for ease. Pour the water into your teapot and allow to brew. I like my tea strong so tend to leave it a few minutes but this obviously depends on your preference. My Mum's tea looks like dishwater so she pours her tea pretty quickly!

5 Pour your tea. Add milk if required, normally about 10ml, and sugar.

6 Sit back and relax

CalEli Gifts has a huge range of personalised teapots that any tea drinker will love. Teapots make a great, practical gift for any occasion = a housewarming present, Birthday gift, Mother's Day keepsake etc Click here to view the range.